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Integrating iAds into an iOS 5 iPad App

2 bytes removed, 19:51, 30 March 2012
= Creating an Example iAds iPad Application
Given these requirements and possibilities it is important that the application code keep track of when an ad is displayed and the events that may unfold as a result of a user interacting with that ad. Fortunately this can easily be achieved by implementing a number of delegate methods defined in the ADBannerViewDelegate protocol as outlined later in this chapter.
=== Creating an Example iAds iPad Application ==
In the remainder of this chapter we will work step by step through the creation of a simple iOS 5 iPad application that includes an iAd banner view advertisement. Begin this tutorial by launching Xcode and creating a new iOS iPad application project named iAdApp using the Single View Application template.
The ultimate goal of this example is to create an application consisting of a table view and an iAd banner view. The banner will be configured to only appear when an ad is successfully downloaded from the iAds server and will change format to match the orientation of the device.
== Adding the iAds Framework to the Xcode Project ==

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