
Creating a Simple iPhone Table View Application

106 bytes added, 20:12, 12 January 2011
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The first step is to add an image to the resources of our project. If you already have an image file that is suitable for this purpose feel free to use it in this example. Alternatively, we can pick up an image from the Mac OS X system on which Xcode is running. To add an image file to the application resources, right click on the Resources entry in the Groups and Files panel of the main Xcode project window. From the resulting menu, select the ''Add -> Existing Files…'' option. In the resulting file selection panel navigate to and select your pre-existing image file. Alternatively, enter apple.png into the search field and press Enter. The apple.png file should appear in the file list from where it can be selected:
[[Image:adding_image_file_to_resources.jpg|Adding an image file to the resources of an Xcode project]]
Once the appropriate image file has been selected, click on the ''Add'' button to add the image to the resources. On the following panel accept the default settings and click ''Add'' once again.