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Working with Dates and Times in Visual Basic

427 bytes added, 18:57, 13 August 2007
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<td width="20%">[[Visual Basic Multidimensional Arrays|Previous]]<td align="center">[[Visual Basic Essentials|Table of Contents]]<td width="20%" align="right">[[Working with Strings in Visual Basic|Next]]</td>
<td width="20%">Visual Basic Multidimensional Arrays<td align="center"><td width="20%" align="right">Working with Strings in Visual Basic</td>
In this chapter we will look at the Visual Basic data type. In addition to providing a place to store a date, many tasks can be performed on a Date variable, such as adding or subtracting time, comparing dates and obtaining the System date and time. Each of these topics areas will be covered in detail in this chapter.

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