
Working with String Objects in Objective-C

990 bytes added, 15:51, 4 November 2009
Converting Strings to Numbers
== Converting Strings to Numbers ==
String objects can be converted to a variety of number types:
* '''Convert String to int'''
NSString *string1 = @"10";
int myInt = [string1 intValue];
NSLog (@"%i", myInt);
* '''Convert String to double'''
NSString *string1 = @"10.1092";
double myDouble = [string1 doubleValue];
NSLog (@"%f", myDouble);
* '''Convert String to float'''
NSString *string1 = @"10.1092";
float myFloat = [string1 floatValue];
NSLog (@"%f", myFloat);
* '''Convert String to NSInteger'''
NSString *string1 = @"10";
NSInteger myInteger = [string1 integerValue];
NSLog (@"%li", myInteger);
== Converting a String Object to ASCII ==
The string contained within a string object can be extracted an converted to an ASCII C style character string using the ''UTF8String'' method. For example:
NSString *string1 = @"The quick browen fox";
const char *utfString = [string1 UTF8String];
printf ("Converted string = %s\n", utfString);