
Objective-C 2.0 Data Types

535 bytes added, 14:51, 5 October 2009
Special Characters/Escape Sequences
Commonly used special characters supported by Objective-C are as follows:
\a - Sound alert<br>\b - Backspace<br>\f - Form feed<br>\n - New line<br>\r - Carriage return<br>\t - Horizontal tab<br>\v - Vertical tab<br>\\ - Backslash<br>\" - Double quote (when using when placing a double quote into a string declaration)<br>\' - Single quote (when using when placing a double quote into a string declaration)<br> == id Data Type == As we will see in later chapters of this book, Objective-C is an object oriented language. As such much of the way a program will be structured is in the form of reusable objects. These objects are called upon to perform tasks and return results. Often, the information passed into an object and the results returned will be in the form of yet another object. The ''id'' data type is a general purpose data type that can be used to store any object, regardless of its type.
== float Data Type ==