
Installing Windows PowerShell 1.0

579 bytes added, 21:38, 10 November 2008
Installing PowerShell on Windows Server 2003, XP and Vista Systems
* .Net Framework 2.0 or later
Assuming the above pre-requisites have been met, Windows PowerShell may be downloaded from the [ Microsoft PowerShell download page]. Once the installation package has been downloaded, double click on it to begin the installation and follow the instructions. Once installation is complete, the following dialog will be displayed by the install wizard:  [[Image:windows_powershell_xp_install.jpg|A successful Windows PowerShell 1.0 installation on Windows XP]]  Once installation is complete, PowerShell may be launched from the ''Start'' menu by selecting ''All Programs -> Windows PowerShell 1.0 -> Windows PowerShell''. Alternatively, launch PowerShell from a command prompt window by typing '''powershell''.