
Basic File and Folder Permissions
To change the basic permission on a file or folder access the security panel of the properties dialog as outlined above and click ''Edit'' to display an editable version of the current settings. To change permissions for users or groups already configured, simply select the desired user or group from the list and change the settings in the permissions list as required (keeping in mind that any grayed out permissions are inherited from the parent folder. Click ''Apply'' to commit the changes.
To configure permissions for users or groups not already listed, click on the ''Edit...'' button on the security properties panel and click on ''Add...''. Enter the names of users or groups separated by semi-colons (;) in the ''Select Users or Groups'' dialog box and then click on ''Check names'' to verify the names exist. Click on ''OK'' to confirm the user or group and return to the editing dialog. With the new user or group selected, configure the desired permissions and then ''Apply'' the settings when completed.