
Visual Basic Arrays

43 bytes added, 18:54, 3 August 2007
What is a Visual Basic Array
A Visual Basic array is an object that contains a specified number of variables of teh same type. Once you have grouped all the variable values into the array you can then perform tasks like sorting the array items into alphabetical or numerical order, accessing and changing the value assigned to each array item, and passing the group of items as a parameter to a Visual Basic Function or Subroutine (see [[Visual Basic Modules and Procedures]]) by passing just the array object.
In this chapter we will look in detail at how to create and manipulate both single and multidimensional Visual Basic arrays. The next chapter will cover [[Visual Basic Multidimensional Arrays]].
Each value in an array is known as an ''array element''. The pointer to the location of a specific element in an array is called an ''index''.
== How to Declare a Visual Basic Array ==