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== Boolean Variable ==
The Visual Basic ''Boolean '' variable type holds a value of ''true'' or ''false''. Internally these are actually stored as the numbers 1 and 0 representing ''true'' and ''false'' respectively. Boolean values are used in conditional statements to decide whether particular parts of Visual Basic code should be executed or not (see [[Visual Basic Flow Control]] for more details) on conditional statements.
== Char Variable ==
The ''Char '' variable type holds a single character (such as the letter 'B'). The value of a Char can be any character. Internally, a number in the range 0 to 65,553 is used to represents the character value as defined by the ASCII table. As an example when the letter 'Z' is assigned to a Visual Basic Char variable, the number 90 is actually stored in the variable location.
== Byte Variable ==
A ''Byte '' variable holds a positive number in the range 0 to 255. because of the limited range, Byte variables should be used with caution. An attempt to assign a negative value, or a value greater than 255 to a Visual Basic Byte variable will result in an error.
== Date Variable ==
The Visual Basic ''Date'' variable type holds a date and time value. Dates are declared in the form #mm/dd/yyyy#. For example, May 23, 2007 would be declared as #5/23/2007#.