
Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD)

119 bytes added, 15:31, 3 February 2014
AVD Command-line Creation
For example, to create a new AVD named Nexus7 using the target id for the Android 4.2.2 4 API level 17 19 device (in this case id 1), the following command may be used:
The android tool will create the new AVD to the specifications required for an a basic Android 4.2.2 4 device, also providing the option to create a custom configuration to match the specification of a specific deviceif required. Once a new AVD has been created from the command line, it may not show up in the Android Device Manager tool until the Refresh button is clicked.
In addition to the creation of new AVDs, a number of other tasks may be performed from the command line. For example, a list of currently available AVDs may be obtained using the list avd command line arguments:
Name: Nexus7
Path: C:\Users\nas\.android\avd\Nexus7.avd
Target: Android 4.2.2 4 (API level 1719)
ABI: armeabi-v7a
Skin: 800x1280