
Configuring a New CentOS 6 KVM Virtual Network

30 bytes added, 19:50, 16 March 2012
Creating a New KVM Virtual Network on a CentOS 6 Host
== Creating a New KVM Virtual Network on a CentOS 6 Host ==
To create a new KVM virtual network on a CentOS host, click on the + button located beneath the list of virtual networks on the Virtual Networks details screen outlined in the previous section. The Create a new virtual network wizard will appear. After reading the introductory screen, click on the Forward button and enter a name for the new virtual network. For the purposes of this example we will use the name virtualnet1. Having defined the name, click the ''Forward'' button to proceed to the address space configuration screen:
The new virtual network should reflect the specified configuration options. In addition we can see that it has been assigned virtual device virbr1, is already active and is configured to start when the host system boots.
== Assigning the New Virtual Bridge during Virtual Machine Creation ==