
PHP Operators

166 bytes added, 13:10, 31 May 2007
PHP Comparison Operators
<td>!=<td>Not equal to<td>Returns ''true'' if first operand is not equal to second<td>$myVar = 10; <br>if ($myVar != 20)<br>echo 'myVar does not equal 10';</td>
<td><><td>Not equal to<td>Returns ''true'' if first operand is not equal to second<td>$myVar = 10; <br>if ($myVar <> 20)<br>echo 'myVar does not equal 10';</td>
<td>===<td>Identical to<td>Returns ''true'' if first operand equals second in both value and type<td>$myVar = 10;<br>$myString="10"; <br>if ($myVar === $myString)<br>echo 'myVar and myString are same type and value';</td>