
AdBlock X
AdBlock X ( takes the form of a WordPress plugin or JavaScript code that works in conjunction with the AdBlock X portal (for which it is necessary to register in order to gain access).
Once AdBlock X has been implemented within a website, the AdBlock X portal (Figure 17 -4) provides detailed statistics relating to visitor behavior:
AdBlock X gathers data points such as the number of unique visitors, page views, ratio of visitors using ad blocking and whether visitors are using desktop or mobile devices. In fact, AdBlock X provides a range of filtering options allowing for detailed analysis of the data.
In addition to providing analytical data, AdBlock X also allows sets of rules to be implemented to control the way in which your website responds to ad blocking. Figure 17 -5, for example, shows the AdBlock X rule editor configured to persistently request that ad blocking be turned off, with the request appearing every 3 page views and automatically closing after 10 seconds: