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Remote Access to the Ubuntu Linux Desktop

588 bytes added, 20:49, 27 June 2007
Accessing a Remote Ubuntu Linux Desktop from a Windows System
== Accessing a Remote Ubuntu Linux Desktop from a Windows System ==
In order to access a Linux remote desktop from a Windows system the first step is to install a Windows VNC client on the Windows system. There are a number of VNC packages available for Windows. In this chapter we will look at TightVNC ([]). Downlaod and install TightVNC on your Windows system. Once installed launch the TightVNC viewer and in the resulting ''Connection details'' dialog enter the IP address or hostname of the remote system and press OK. Enter the password if one is required. The screen should load and display the remote desktop,  You may also enter the port number in the form hostname::5900 (screen 0 in VNC uses port 5900). TightVNC assumes port 5900 if none is specified but when we look at setting up additional desktops later in this chapter we will need to specify port numbers in order to connect.

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