Firebase Essentials - Android Edition

Revision as of 17:19, 16 August 2017 by Neil (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 17:19, 16 August 2017 by Neil (Talk | contribs)

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with Firebase

  2. Firebase User Authentication

  3. Email/Password Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth

  4. Testing and Customizing FirebaseUI Auth Authentication

  5. Google Sign-In Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth

  6. Facebook Login Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth

  7. Twitter Sign-In Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth

  8. Phone Number Sign-in Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth

  9. Email/Password Authentication using the Firebase SDK

  10. Managing User Accounts using the Firebase SDK

  11. Handling Firebase Authentication Errors and Failures

  12. Google Authentication using the Firebase SDK

  13. Facebook Authentication using the Firebase SDK

  14. Twitter Log In Authentication using the Firebase SDK

  15. Phone Number Authentication using the Firebase SDK

  16. Anonymous Authentication using the Firebase SDK

  17. Linking and Unlinking Firebase Authentication Providers

  18. Firebase Realtime Database

  19. Writing Firebase Realtime Database Data

  20. Reading Firebase Realtime Database Data

  21. Firebase Realtime Database Rules

  22. Working with Firebase Realtime Database Lists

  23. A Basic Firebase Realtime Database Tutorial

  24. A Firebase Realtime Database List Data Tutorial

  25. Firebase Cloud Messaging

  26. Sending Firebase Cloud Messages from a Node.js Server

  27. Managing Firebase Cloud Messaging Device Groups with Node.js

  28. Managing Firebase Messaging Device Groups from an Android App

  29. Firebase Cloud Upstream Messaging

  30. A Firebase Cloud Messaging Upstream XMPP App Server

  31. An Example Firebase Upstream Cloud Messaging Client App

  32. Firebase Cloud Storage

  33. A Guide to Firebase Cloud Storage Security Rules>br>