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Embedding JavaScript into Web pages

507 bytes added, 19:35, 9 April 2007
The <script> element
* '''defer''' - used to inform the browser that the script associated with this ''<script>'' element generates content (in otehr words the document.write() method is used). This can be either ''true'' or ''false''. The default setting (i.e if this is not specified) is ''false''.
* '''language''' - This argument used to notify the version of JavaScript that was contained within the corresponding ''<script>'' elements. This argument is now deprecated.
* '''src'''- Specifies URL of an external file containing the JavaScript can be found. This argument overrides any JavaScript contained within the body of this ''<script>'' element.
* '''type''' - indicates to the browser the type of content contained within the ''<script>'' body. This is typically be set to "text/javascript".

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