
Creating an Interactive iPhone App

16,502 bytes added, 18:49, 31 March 2010
New page: In the previous chapter we looked at the design patterns that we will need to learn and use regularly in the course of developing iPhone applications. In this chapter we will work through ...
In the previous chapter we looked at the design patterns that we will need to learn and use regularly in the course of developing iPhone applications. In this chapter we will work through a detailed example that will demonstrate the View-Controller relationship (we will introduce the Model part of the MVC equation in the next chapter) together with the implementation of Target-Action pattern to create an example interactive iPhone application.

== Creating the New Project ==

The purpose of the application we are going to create is to perform unit conversions from Fahrenheit to Centigrade. Obviously the first step is to create a new Xcode project to contain our application. Start Xcode and on the Welcome screen select ''Create a new Xcode project''. On the New Project screen choose the ''Application'' option located under iPhone OS in the left hand panel, select ''View-based Application'' and click ''Choose…''. In the drop down file selection pane name the project ''UnitConverter'' and choose a suitable folder to hold the project files before clicking the ''Save'' button to proceed to the main Xcode project window. As outlined in previous chapters, Xcode has created a number of files for us to use in developing our application.

== Creating the User Interface ==

Before we begin developing the logic for our interactive application we are going to start by designing the user interface. When we created the new project, Xcode generated an Interface Builder NIB file for us and named it ''UnitConverterViewController.xib''. It is within this file that we will create our user interface, so double click on this file to open Interface Builder and load the file. Once Interface Builder has loaded, one or more windows will be visible:

[[Image:xcode_converter_all.jpg|Interface Builder with all Windows Visible]]

Some of the windows in the above figure may not be displayed by default. To display the View window double click on the View icon in the ''UnitConverterViewController.xib'' window. To display the Library window select ''Tools -> Library'' and to display the ''View Attributes'' window select ''Tools -> Attributes Inspector''.

From the ''Cocoa Touch – Inputs and Values'' section of the Library window drag a Text Field object onto the View. Resize the object and position it so that it appears as follows:

[[Image:interface_builder_view_with_text_field.jpg|A view in interface builder containing a text field object]]

Within the Attribute Inspector window, type the words ''Enter temperature'' into the ''Placeholder'' text field. This text will then appear in a light gray color in the text field as a visual cue to the user.

Now that we have created the text field for the user to enter the temperature into the next step is to add a Button object that can be pressed to initiate the conversion. To achieve this drag and drop a ''Round Rect Button'' object from the Library to the View. Double click the button object so that it changes to text edit mode and type the word ''Convert'' onto the button. Finally, select the button and drag it beneath the text field until the blue dotted line appears indicating it is centered vertically in relation to the text field before releasing the mouse button:

[[Image:interface_builder_align_objects.jpg|Aligning objects in Interface Builder]]

The last user interface object we need to add is a label where the result of the conversion will be displayed. Add this by dragging a Label object from the Library window to the View and position it beneath the button. Stretch the width of the label so that it is approximately a third of the overall width of the view and reposition it using the blue guidelines to ensure it is centered in relation to the button.

Double click on the label to highlight the text and press the backspace key to clear the text (we will set the text from within a method of our View Controller class when the conversion calculation has been performed). Though the label is now no longer visible it is still present in the view. If you click where it is located it will be highlighted with the resize dots.
At this point the user interface design phase of our project is complete and the view should appear as illustrated in the following figure. We now are ready to try out a test build and run.

[[Image:interface_builder_finished_sample.jpg|The finished view in Interface Builder]]

== Building and Running the Sample Application ==

Before we move on to writing the controller code for our application and then connecting it to the user interface we have designed we should first perform a test build and run of the application so far. From within Interface Builder select the ''File -> Save'' menu option and then exit from the builder via the ''Interface Builder -> Quit Interface Builder'' option. Back in the Xcode project window click on the ''Build and Run'' button located in the toolbar to compile the application and run it in the simulator. If you are not happy with the way your interface looks feel free to reload it into Interface Builder and make improvements. Assuming the user interface appears to your satisfaction in the simulator we are ready to start writing some Objective-C code to add some logic to our controller. Exit from the simulator before proceeding to the next step by selecting the ''iPhone Simulator -> Quit iPhone Simulator'' menu option.

== Adding Actions and Outlets ==

When the user enters a temperature value into the text field and touches the convert button we need to trigger an action that will perform a calculation to convert the temperature. The result of that calculation will then be presented to the user on the label object. The ''Action'' will be in the form of a method that we will declare and implement in our View Controller class. Access to the text field and label objects from the view controller method will be implemented through the use of ''Outlets''.

Before we begin, now is a good time to highlight an example of the use of subclassing as previously described in [[An Overview of the iPhone Application Development Architecture]]. The UIKit framework contains a class called <tt>UIViewController</tt> that provides the basic foundation for adding view controllers to an application. In order to create a functional application, however, we inevitably need to add functionality specific to our application to this generic view controller class. This is achieved by subclassing the <tt>UIViewController</tt> class and extending it with the additional functionality we need.

When we created our new project, Xcode anticipated our needs and automatically created a subclass of <tt>UIViewController</tt> and named it <tt>UnitConverterViewController</tt> (using as a prefix the name that we gave to our new project). In so doing, Xcode also created two source files; a header file named ''UnitConverterViewController.h'' and a source code file named ''UnitConverterViewController.m''.

Selecting the ''UnitConverterViewController.h'' file in the main Xcode window will display the contents of the file in the editing window:

// UnitConverterViewController.h
// UnitConverter
// Created by Techotopia on 3/30/10.
// Copyright __MyCompanyName__ 2010. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UnitConverterViewController : UIViewController {


As we can see from the above code, a new class called <tt>UnitConverterViewController</tt> has been created that is a subclass of the <tt>UIViewController</tt> class belonging to the UIKit framework.

The next step is to extend the subclass to include the two outlets and our action method. We will begin by adding outlets for our text field and label objects by declaring variables and using the <tt>IBOutlet</tt> keyword:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UnitConverterViewController : UIViewController {
UITextField *tempText;
UILabel *resultLabel;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *resultString;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField *tempString;

Next we need to declare the action that will be called when the user touches the Convert button in our user interface. This is declared using the <tt>IBAction</tt> keyword:

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UnitConverterViewController : UIViewController {

UITextField *tempText;
UILabel *resultLabel;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UILabel *resultLabel;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField *tempText;
- (IBAction)convertTemp:(id)sender;

We have now declared that our View Controller class contains a method called <tt>convertTemp</tt>. Having made that declaration, we now need to implement the method in the implementation source file. To do so, select the ''UnitConverterViewController.m'' file so that the contents appear in the editing pane:

#import "UnitConverterViewController.h"

@implementation UnitConverterViewController

// The designated initializer. Override to perform setup that is required before the view is loaded.
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
if (self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]) {
// Custom initialization
return self;
// Implement loadView to create a view hierarchy programmatically, without using a nib.
- (void)loadView {
// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
// Return YES for supported orientations
return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
// Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];

// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
- (void)viewDidUnload {
// Release any retained subviews of the main view.
// e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];


The first step is to instruct Objective-C to synthesize accessor methods for our <tt>tempText</tt> and <tt>resultLabel</tt> objects and then to implement the <tt>convertTemp</tt> method. The relevant section of the ''UnitConverterViewController.m'' file should now read as follows:

#import "UnitConverterViewController.h"
#import "UnitConverterViewController.h"

@implementation UnitConverterViewController
@synthesize resultLabel, tempText;

- (void) convertTemp: (id) sender {
double farenheit = [tempText.text doubleValue];
double celcius = (farenheit - 32) / 1.8;

NSString *resultString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @"Celcius %f", celcius];
resultLabel.text = resultString;
[resultString release];

We also need to modify the <tt>viewDidUnload</tt> and <tt>dealloc</tt> methods in this file to make sure we properly release the memory we allocated for our variables. Failure to do so will result in a memory leak in our application:

- (void)viewDidUnload {
// Release any retained subviews of the main view.
// e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
self.resultLabel = nil;
self.tempText = nil;
- (void)dealloc {
[resultLabel release];
[tempText release];
[super dealloc];

Before proceeding to the next section of this chapter, now is a good time to perform a build and run to make sure that no errors exist in the code. Click on the ''Build and Run'' button in the toolbar and correct any syntax errors that are reported.

== Connecting the Actions and Outlets to the User Interface ==

The final step in developing our application is to connect the actions and outlets we have declared in the view controller class to the actual objects in the user interface view. Fortunately, this can all be done visually from within the Interface Builder tool.

With this in mind, double click on the ''UnitViewController.xib'' file to load the user interface into Interface Builder. We will begin by connecting the <tt>IBOutlet</tt> instance variables we created in our view controller class to the label and text field objects respectively. In the ''UnitViewController.xib'' window is an icon labeled ''File’s Owner''. This icon represents the file containing the class that invokes the user interface contained in the NIB file when the application runs. In this instance it is the <tt>UnitConverterViewController</tt> class, where we declared our actions and outlets. To connect the <tt>resultLabel IBOutlet</tt> variable to the label object, hold down the Control key on the keyboard, click on the ''File’s Owner'' icon and drag the mouse to the location of the label object. A blue line will extend from the icon to the object as illustrated in the following figure:

[[Image:interface_builder_connect_outlet1.jpg|Connecting an outlet to a view object in Interface Builder]

Upon releasing the mouse button, Interface Builder will display a list of <tt>IBOutlet</tt> variables that match the type of the object selected:

[[Image:interface_builder_select_outlet.jpg|Selecting an Outlet for a connection in interface builder]]

Select <tt>resultLabel</tt> from the menu to complete the connection. Repeat these steps to connect the <tt>tempText</tt> outlet to the text field object. In order to view the connections you have created, display the ''Connections Inspector'' window by selecting ''Tools -> Connections Inspector'' and select the object for which you would like to review connection information. For example, the following figure shows the connection information for our label object:

[[Image:interface_builder_connections_inspector.jpg|A connection displayed in the Interface Builder Connections Inspector]]

The final step is to connect the button object to our <tt>convertTemp</tt> action method. Cocoa Touch objects typically have a wide range of events that can be triggered by the user. To obtain a full listing of the events available on a particular object, display the Connections Inspector (''Tools -> Connections Inspector'') and select the button object in the view window. Listed under ''Events'' in the connections window is a list of the events that can be triggered by the button object. In this instance, we are interested in the ''Touch Up Inside'' event. This event is triggered when a user touches the button and then releases their finger without first sliding it outside the boundaries of the button. When this action is performed we want our <tt>convertTemp</tt> method to be called. To make this connection, move the mouse pointer to the small circle next to the ''Touch Up Inside'' event in the connections dialog, click the mouse button and drag to the ''File’s Owner'' icon as illustrated in the following figure:

[[Image:interface_connect_action.jpg|Connecting an interface object event to an action in teh view controller]]

Releasing the mouse button over the ''File’s Owner'' icon will display a menu with a list of methods available in the view controller class. In our case the only method is <tt>convertTemp</tt> so select that method to initiate the connection. The event listing in the Connections dialog will subsequently update to reflect the new connection. Save the changes that you have made (''File -> Save'') and then exit from Interface Builder (''Interface Builder -> Quit Interface Builder'').

== Building and Running the Finished Application ==

From within the Xcode project window click on ''Build and Run'' to compile the application and run it in the simulator. Once the application is running, click inside the text field and enter a Fahrenheit temperature. Next, click on the ''Convert'' button to display the equivalent temperature in Celsius. Assuming all went to plan your application should appear as outlined in the following figure:

[[Image:iphone_app-simulator.jpg|The finished app running in the simulator]]

== Summary ==

In this chapter we have put into practice some of the theory covered in previous chapters, in particular the separation of the view from the controller, the use of subclassing and the implementation of the Target-Action pattern through the use of actions and outlets.