
Android Studio Development Essentials - Java Edition

1,904 bytes added, 18:20, 16 January 2019
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= Table of Contents =
# [[Android Studio Essentials - Java Edition Introduction|Introduction]]<br><br>
# [[Android Explicit Intents – A Worked Example]]<br><br>
# [[Android Implicit Intents – A Worked Example]]<br><br>
# [[Android Broadcast Intents and Broadcast Receivers]]<br><br># [[A Basic Overview of Threads and AsyncTasks]]<br><br># [[An Overview of Android Started and Bound Services]]<br><br># [[Implementing an Android Started Service – A Worked Example]]<br><br># [[Android Local Bound Services – A Worked Example]]<br><br># [[Android Remote Bound Services – A Worked Example]]<br><br># [[An Android Notifications Tutorial]]<br><br># [[An Android Direct Reply Notification Tutorial]]<br><br># [[An Introduction to Android Multi-Window Support]]<br><br># [[An Android Studio Multi-Window Split-Screen and Freeform Tutorial]]<br><br># [[An Overview of Android SQLite Databases]]<br><br>
# [[The Android Room Persistence Library]]<br><br>
# [[An Android TableLayout and TableRow Tutorial]]<br><br>
# [[An Android Room Database and Repository Tutorial]]<br><br>
# [[Accessing Cloud Storage using the Android Storage Access Framework]]<br><br>
# [[An Android Storage Access Framework Example]]<br><br>
# [[Implementing Video Playback on Android using the VideoView and MediaController Classes]]<br><br>
# [[Android Picture-in-Picture Mode]]<br><br>
# [[An Android Picture-in-Picture Tutorial]]<br><br>
# [[Video Recording and Image Capture on Android using Camera Intents]]<br><br>
# [[Making Runtime Permission Requests in Android]]<br><br>
# [[Android Audio Recording and Playback using MediaPlayer and MediaRecorder]]<br><br>
# [[Working with the Google Maps Android API in Android Studio]]<br><br>
# [[Printing with the Android Printing Framework]]<br><br>
# [[An Android HTML and Web Content Printing Example]]<br><br>
# [[A Guide to Android Custom Document Printing]]<br><br>
# [[An Introduction to Android App Links]]<br><br>
# [[An Android Studio App Links Tutorial]]<br><br>
# An Introduction to Android Instant Apps<br><br>
# [[An Android Instant App Tutorial]]<br><br>
# Adapting an Android Studio Project for Instants Apps<br><br>
# [[A Guide to the Android Studio Profiler]]<br><br>
# [[An Android Biometric Authentication Tutorial]]<br><br>
# [[Creating, Testing and Uploading an Android App Bundle]]<br><br>
# [[An Overview of Gradle in Android Studio]]<br><br>