
A WatchKit Table Navigation Tutorial

232 bytes added, 13:43, 22 April 2015
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When implementing navigation-based behavior in a WatchKit app, each scene still has a corresponding interface controller. As the user navigates through scenes, the app framework maintains an internal navigation stack of the interface controllers. When a new scene is displayed it is pushed onto the navigation stack and becomes the currently active controller. The framework also places a left pointing chevron in the upper left hand corner (Figure 8-1) of the newly displayed scene which, when tapped, returns to the previous scene. When this happens, the current interface controller is popped off the stack and the interface controller beneath it moved to the top becoming the currently active and visible controller. In addition to the user tapping the chevron, a return to the previous scene may also be achieved programmatically via a call to the popController method of the current interface controller instance.
[[Image:watchkit_table_chevron.png|The current interface controller with chevron]]
Figure 8-1
[[Image:watchkit_storyboard_second_scene.png|A second WatchKit scene added to a storyboard]]
Figure 8-2
[[Image:watchkit_set_label_lines.png|Increasing the number of lines displayed on a WatchKit label object]]
Figure 8-3
[[Image:watchkit_set_detail_scene_class.png|Changing the class of a WatchKit interface controller]]
Figure 8-4
[[Image:watchkit_table_navigation_detail_scene.png|The detail scene]]
Figure 8-5
[[Image:watchkit_controller_insets.png|Setting WatchKit interface controller inset values]]
Figure 8-6
[[Image:watchkit_controller_with_insets.png|A WatchKit scene with insets configured]]
Figure 8-7