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Ubuntu Linux, just like most Linux distributions, will happily co-exist on a hard disk drive with just about any version of Windows. This is a concept known as ''dual-booting''. Essentially, when you power up your PC you will be presented with a menu which provides the option to boot either Ubuntu Linux or Windows. Obviously you can only run one operating system at a time, but it is worth noting that the files on the Windows partition of your disk drive will be available to you from Ubuntu Linux regardless of whether your Windows partition was formatted using NTFS, FAT16 or FAT32.
During the installation process the Ubuntu installer will detect the Windows installation on the drive and give you option of deleting it and using the entire disk for Ubuntu, or sharing the disk with Windows. In the latter case you will be able to specify the percentage of the disk to be used for Ubuntu Linux. According to the Ubuntu documentation, a minimum of 2Gb 2 GB of disk space is required for a full Ubuntu Linux installation, and more space to store any files you may subsequently create. Experience suggests, however, that even with 3Gb 3 GB of space allocated you will probably run out disk space during your first system update. Ideally, at least 5Gb 5 GB of disk space should be allocated to the Ubuntu Linux installation to avoid later problems. Once the disk space for Ubuntu Linux has been selected, the installer will resize the Windows partition (without destroying any data) and use the remainder of the disk for Ubuntu.
In addition, the Ubuntu Linux installer provides the option to copy over files and settings for all users of the Windows system to the Ubuntu Linux partition. The migration tool will copy over all the files in My Documents directory for any users you choose to migrate together with the desktop background image and any bookmarks you have defined in your Windows web browsers.
[[image:Ubuntu_installation_screen.jpg|Ubuntu Linux Initial Installation Screen]]
To begin the installation , double click on the "Install" icon in the top left hand corner of the desktop. The installer will begin and prompt for keyboard and locale information. Enter the appropriate keyboard and timezone information. After entering this information the installer will ask for information about allocating the disk space:
[[image:ubuntu_disk_partitioning_screen.jpg|Ubuntu Linux Installation Disk Partitioning Screen]]
When configuring a dual boot environment it is best to select the "Guided" option from the above dialog. At this point it is necessary to decide how much of your Windows partition you wish to donate to the Ubuntu Linux installation. Move the slider until the Ubuntu partition allocation is a size you are comfortable with. The guided option will not let you create an Ubuntu partition smaller than 3Gb3 GB. As mentioned previously, however, this is unlikely to be sufficient space, and at least 5Gb 5 GB should be allocated to Ubuntu Linux if possible.
When you have selected the size of the Ubuntu partition , click the ''Forward'' button to proceed with the installation. When the warning dialog appears read it carefully and click continue ‘’Continue’’ if you are sure you wish to proceed.
== Migrating Windows Files and Settings ==
== Performing the Ubuntu Linux Disk Partitioning and Operating System Installation ==
The final screen to appear lists the settings chosen in the preceeding preceding steps. Review the settings listed and, assuming they are acceptable, press the ''Install'' button to initiate the installation process.
A progress dialog (shown below) will appear displaying the installation progress and describing each task as it is performed by the installer. The installer will repartition the disk to make space for the Ubuntu Linux distribution, format the Ubuntu partitions, create Linux filesystems on those partitions and then install the Ubuntu Linux packages onto the hard drive.
Depending on the speed of your system this process can take some time. Unless you feel compelled to sit and watch the progress bar now is good time to find something else to do for a while.
Whne When the installation is complete the following dialog will appear to inform you the system is ready to be restarted.
[[Image:ubuntu_linux_installation_complete.jpg|UBuntu Linux Installation Complete]]
When you are ready to reboot , press the ''Restart now'' button. The system while take a few moments to shut down. After a while the Ubuntu Linux CDROM will eject and a message prompting you to remove the CDROM and press Enter will be displayed. Remove the CDROM and press Enter as instructed.
== Booting Ubuntu Linux for the First Time ==
Any bookmarks set up in your Windows browser will also be available in the Firefox browser under Ubuntu Linux. Launch Firefox by clicking on the Firefox logo next the to the ''Places'' menu on the top toolbar. When Firefox has loaded , click on the ''Bookmarks'' menu to locate your bookmarks.

Navigation menu