
MySQL Regular Expression Searches

377 bytes added, 18:22, 19 October 2007
Regular Expression Repetition Metacharacters
== Regular Expression Repetition Metacharacters ==
In addition to allowing searches on single instances, regular expressions can also be written to look for repetition in text.this is achieved using a set of ''repetition metacharacters'': <table border="1"><th>Metacharacter<th>Description</th><tr><td>*<td>Any number of matches</td><tr><td>+<td>One or more matches</td><tr><td>{n}<td>''n'' number of matches</td><tr><td>{n,}<td>Not less than ''n'' number of matches</td><tr><td>{n1,n2}<td>A range of matches between n1 and n2</td></table>