
Primary TCP/IP Port Assignments and Descriptions

12 bytes added, 20:37, 4 April 2007
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<td>'''443'''<td>'''HTTPS'''<td>'''Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure ''' - The standard HTTP (non-secure) protocol transfers data in clear text (i.e with no encryption and visible to anyone who might intercept the traffic). Whilst this is acceptable for most web browsing purposes it poses a serious security risk when confidential information such as credit card details need to be transmitted from the browser to the web server. HTTPS addresses this by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to send encypted data between the client and server.</td>
<td>'''2049'''<td>'''NFS'''<td>'''Network File System ''' - Originally developed by Sun Microsystems and subsequently widely adopted throughout the industry, NFS allows a file system on a remote system to be accessed over the network by another system as if the file system were on a local disk drive. NFS is widely used on UNIX and LINUX based systems. Later versions of Microsoft Windows possess the ability to also access NFS shared file systems on UNIX and LINUX based systems.</td>