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About PHP Essentials

Cannot find HTML file php<htmlet> © 2012 Neil Smyth Payload Media. This eBook is provided for personal use only. Unauthorized use, reproduction andor distribution strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. <table> <tr> <td> # [[About PHP Essentials]] #* [[About PHP Essentials|Intended Audience]] # [[The History of PHP]] #* [[The History of PHP|The Creation of PHP]] #* [[The History of PHP|PHP 3 Hits the Big Time]] #* [[The History of PHP|PHP 4 - Optimization, Scalabilty and More]] #* [[The History of PHP|PHP 5 - Object Orientation, Error Handling and XML]] #* [[The History of PHP|How Popular is PHP?]] # [[An Overview of PHP]] #* [[An Overview of PHP|What Exactly is PHP?]] #* [[An Overview of PHP|How Does PHP Work?]] #* [[An Overview of PHP|Why is PHP so Useful?]] #* [[An Overview of PHP|Summary]] # [[Creating a Simple PHP Script]] #* [[Creating a Simple PHP Script|The PHP Code Delimiters]] #* [[Creating a Simple PHP Script|Testing the PHP Installation]] #* [[Creating a Simple PHP Script|Emdedding PHP into an HTML File]] #* [[Creating a Simple PHP Script|Embedding HTML into a PHP Script]] #* [[Creating a Simple PHP Script|Summary]] # [[Commenting PHP Code]] #* [[Commenting PHP Code|PHP Single Line Comments]] #* [[Commenting PHP Code|PHP Multi-line Comments]] #* [[Commenting PHP Code|Summary]] # [[An Introduction to PHP Variables]] #* [[An Introduction to PHP Variables|Naming and Creating a Variable in PHP]] #* [[An Introduction to PHP Variables|Assigning a Value to a PHP Variable]] #* [[An Introduction to PHP Variables|Accessing PHP Variable Values]] #* [[An Introduction to PHP Variables|Changing the Type of a PHP Variable]] #* [[An Introduction to PHP Variables|Checking Whether a Variable is Set]] # [[Understanding PHP Variable Types]] #* [[Understanding PHP Variable Types|The PHP Integer Variable Type]] #* [[Understanding PHP Variable Types|The PHP Float Variable Type]] #* [[Understanding PHP Variable Types|The PHP Boolean Variable Type]] #* [[Understanding PHP Variable Types|The PHP String Variable]] #* [[Understanding PHP Variable Types|Extracting and Writing String Fragments]] #* [[Understanding PHP Variable Types|Creating PHP heredoc Strings]] # [[PHP Constants]] #* [[PHP Constants|Defining a PHP Constant]] #* [[PHP Constants|Checking if a PHP Constant is Defined]] #* [[PHP Constants|Using a Variable as a Constant Name]] #* [[PHP Constants|Predefined PHP Constants]] #* [[PHP Constants|PHP Script and Environment Related Constants]] #* [[PHP Constants|PHP Mathematical Constants]] # [[PHP Operators]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP Assignment Operators]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP Arithmetic Operators]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP Comparison Operators]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP Logical Operators]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP Increment and Decrement Operators]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP String Concatenation Operator]] #* [[PHP Operators|Concatenation of Numbers and Strings in PHP]] #* [[PHP Operators|PHP Execution Operator - Executing Server Side Commands]] # [[PHP Flow Control and Looping]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|PHP Conditional Statements]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|The PHP if Statement]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|The PHP if ... else Statements]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|PHP Looping Statements]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|PHP for loops]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|PHP while loops]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|PHP do ... while loops]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|PHP switch Statements]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|Breaking a Loop]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|Breaking Out of Nested Loops]] #* [[PHP Flow Control and Looping|Skipping Statements in Current Loop Iteration]] # [[PHP Functions]] #* [[PHP Functions|What is a PHP Function?]] #* [[PHP Functions|How to Write a PHP Function]] #* [[PHP Functions|Returning a Value from a PHP Function]] #* [[PHP Functions|Passing Parameters to a PHP Function]] #* [[PHP Functions|Calling PHP Functions]] #* [[PHP Functions|Passing Parameters By Reference]] #* [[PHP Functions|Returning Values By Reference]] #* [[PHP Functions|Functions and Variable Scope]] # [[PHP Arrays]] #* [[PHP Arrays|How to Create a PHP Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Accessing Elements in a PHP Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Creating an Associative Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Accessing Elements of an Associative Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Accessing Elements in a Multidimensional PHP Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Using PHP Array Pointers]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Changing, Adding and Removing PHP Array Elements]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Looping through PHP Array Elements]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Replacing Sections of an Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Sorting a PHP Array]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Sorting Associative Arrays]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Getting Information About PHP Arrays & other Array Functions]] #* [[PHP Arrays|Summary]] # [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Changing the Case of a PHP String]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Converting to and from ASCII Values]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Printing Formatted Strings in PHP]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|PHP printf formatting specifiers]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Finding the Length of a PHP String]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Converting a String into a PHP Array]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Removing Leading and Trailing Whitespace from a PHP String]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Comparing Strings in PHP]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|String Comparison Functions Return Value]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Accessing and Modifiying Characters in String]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Searching for Characters and Substrings in a PHP String]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Extracting and Replacing Substrings in PHP]] #* [[Working with Strings and Text in PHP|Replacing All Instances of a Word in a PHP String]] # [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Opening and Creating Files in PHP]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Closing Files in PHP]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Writing to a File using PHP]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Reading From a File using PHP]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Checking Whether a File Exists]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Moving, Copying and Deleting Files with PHP]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|Accessing File Attributes]] #* [[PHP, Filesystems and File IO|PHP Output Buffering]] # [[Working with Directories in PHP]] #* [[Working with Directories in PHP|Creating Directories in PHP]] #* [[Working with Directories in PHP|Deleting a Directory]] #* [[Working with Directories in PHP|Finding and Changing the Current Working Directory]] #* [[Working with Directories in PHP|Listing Files in a Directory]] # [[An Overview of HTML Forms]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|Creating HTML Forms]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|HTML Text Object]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|HTML TextArea Object]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|The HTML Button Object]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|HTML Check Boxes]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|HTML Radio Buttons]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|HTML Drop-down Select Object]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|HTML Password Object]] #* [[An Overview of HTML Forms|Summary]] # [[PHP and HTML Forms]] #* [[PHP and HTML Forms|Creating the Form]] #* [[PHP and HTML Forms|Processing Form Data Using PHP]] #* [[PHP and HTML Forms|Processing Multiple Selections with PHP]] # [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|The Difference Between Cookies and PHP Sessions]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|The Structure of a Cookie]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Cookie Name Value Pair]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Cookie Expiration Setting]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Cookie path Setting]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Cookie domain Setting]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Cookie Security Setting]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Creating a Cookie in PHP]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Reading a Cookie in PHP]] #* [[PHP and Cookies - Creating, Reading and Writing|Deleting a Cookie]] # [[Understanding PHP Sessions]] #* [[Understanding PHP Sessions|What is a PHP Session?]] #* [[Understanding PHP Sessions|Creating a PHP Session]] #* [[Understanding PHP Sessions|Creating and Reading PHP Session Variables]] #* [[Understanding PHP Sessions|Writing PHP Session Data to a File]] #* [[Understanding PHP Sessions|Reading a Saved PHP Session]] # [[PHP Object Oriented Programming]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|What is an Object?]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|What is a Class?]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|How is an Object Created from a Class?]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|What is sub-classing?]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|Defining a PHP Class]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|PHP Class Constructors and Destructors]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|Creating Members in a PHP Class]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|Defining and Calling Methods]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|Subclassing in PHP]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|PHP Object Serialization]] #* [[PHP Object Oriented Programming|Getting Information about a PHP Object]] # [[Using PHP with MySQL]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Creating a MySQL User Account]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Creating and Select MySQL Database]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Creating a MySQL Database Table]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Inserting Data into a MySQL Database Table]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Connecting with PHP to a MySQL Server]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Selecting Records from a MySQL Database Using PHP]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Adding Records to MySQL Database using PHP]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Modifying and Deleting MySQL Records using PHP]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Using PHP to get Information about a MySQL Database]] #* [[Using PHP with MySQL|Summary]] #[[PHP and SQLite]] #* [[PHP and SQLite|Creating an SQLite Database with PHP]] #* [[PHP and SQLite|Using PHP to Add Records to an SQLite Database]] #* [[PHP and SQLite|Using PHP to Select Records from an SQLite Database]] <td> <td valign="top"> <htmlet>adsdaqbox.html
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