
How to Download and Try Ubuntu 11.04

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There are, however, a number of options to consider in terms of the best download choice for your needs.
== Ubuntu 11 .04 Download Options ==
A variety of download of options are provided on the Ubuntu web site which is accessible at Firstly, Ubuntu is provided in Desktop and Server editions:
If you need to keep your Windows or other environment and want to run Ubuntu concurrently with your current operating system, Ubuntu may also be run within a virtual machine. A number of free virtualization technologies are available for this purpose such as VirtualBox and VMware Server.
Note that in order to support the Unity desktop environment on VirualBox it will be necessary to enable 3D acceleration with the virtual machine display and install the Ubuntu VirtualBox guest utilities on the guest Ubuntu system. Assuming that Ubuntu has already been installed as a VirtualBox guest system:
1. Shut down the Ubuntu guest system.
2. Select “Settings” for the guest system in the VirtualBox main window.
3. Select the “Display” settings category and set the checkbox next to Enable 3D Acceleration.
4. Start the Ubuntu virtual machine and once running, select the VirtualBox Devices -> Install Guest Additions… menu option.
5. Follow the instructions to install the guest additions then reboot the Ubuntu system. On restarting, the Unity desktop should appear.
== Performing a Clean Ubuntu Installation ==
If you are installing Ubuntu on a clean hard disk drive, or plan to overwrite the existing Windows or other operating system installation on the drive then installing Ubuntu is straightforward. Simply follow the steps in [[Performing a Clean Ubuntu 11.04 Installation]] to install Ubuntu on the entire disk drive.