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Creating a Visual Basic MDI Form

376 bytes added, 15:03, 23 July 2007
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Many of today's applications are designed using an MDI. Given this popularity it is not surprising that Visual Basic provides extensive support for developing MDI based applications. In this chapter of Visual Basic Essentials we will explain what an MDI is, and provide a detailed, step by step guide to developing MDI applications with Visual Basic.
== What is an MDI? ==
The acronym MDI stands for Multi Document Interface. If you have ever used Microsoft Word or Excel the chances are you have used a multi-document interface. Multi-document interfaces consist of a parent form (also called a ''container'') which contains other forms. For example, when more than one document is open in some versions of Microsoft Word, each document appears in its own form, contained within the parent form. The forms within the parent can be moved to any position within the parent form, but typically cannot be moved outside the confines of the parent.

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